Rent Our Guest Cabin
Welcome, everyone!
God is big enough to take on our questions – even our doubts.
What I most want people to know is summarized in this metaphor:
Life is like a long walk. We’ll see beautiful, amazing experiences along the way. And we’ll take a lot of wrong turns. Even become hopelessly lost. It won’t be a straight line we walk. We’ll meet amazing people. And we’ll become so tired that it feels we can’t take another step. It’s ALL part of the walk – this color experience of who we are. This walk with all its missteps is the STORY we live. This walk won’t just come to us. We initiate the first steps and keep going every day – even when it’s hard.
Who are we gathering for conversation at this site?
We are the ragamuffins and the misfits and the wanderers and the seekers. Some point to us and say “those people” – they have no commitment, and they don’t understand.
The Bible tells us that Jesus himself was a disruptor in the name of peace and love. What we fundamentally believe is what Jesus conveyed to Martha: “There is a better way.”
But now, silence is more sin than speech, and I must lay my convictions bear with all the fire of my faith.
If you are on the fringe of believing something higher, greater, and more purposeful, but have a hard time doing so because of the hypocrisy you see before your very eyes in our Christian community I’m right there with you and invite you to come along.
Exclusionary faith? This is a zero-tolerance zone.
And we refuse to put God in a box.
You are home, my broken friends. Let’s walk.

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My Free E-Book Gift to You!
Oftentimes when you’re a kid and you go to some new place or meet new people someone will ask you the question: Where do you live, where are you from?
The answer always brought some hesitation. The truth is, we lived on an old dirt road that dead-ended into a river on one of the most rural landscapes you’ll ever find. We didn’t live in a town, or in a city. We were farm people. The only answer I really had to the question was this:
We live out in the country.
Through the years, I’ve come to appreciate the colorful life that my rural upbringing afforded. Some of the nicest, kindest, most generous families you’d ever want to know lived out there in the country with us. We farmed together, went to church together, gathered together at the Friday night basketball game, hunted ducks together and you could always hear tall tales where men loafed in the off seasons and in the early morning.
It was out in the country where as a young adolescent I first met God – not by way of some deep theology or a big church with flashing lights and fog machines. But rather from observing his hand in the change of the seasons, the perfect timing of a summer rain, the beauty in bunch of mallard ducks working our duck blind, or just a simple drive down the St. Francis River levee.
These are stories worth sharing and as a free gift to you, I’ve assembled 21 daily readings from encountering God out in the country.
I hope you’ll enjoy reading this free ebook as much as I enjoyed writing it.