•Some days when you get out of bed, it’s just going to hurt.
•Ibuprofen is a wonderful drug, preventive and otherwise.
•No matter how much it disgusts you about yourself, a couple of hairs are going to grow around your ears. If there was any remaining hope of coolness, rest assured it’s forever gone.
•When it comes to physical work in a day, you are going to get less done, and it involves a lot more breaks.
•A daily afternoon nap is okay. I’ve earned it.
•I’m not too old to still dream and set high goals.
•It’s a worthy cause to invest in younger adults.
•At this point, and for many reasons, your spouse becomes more and more important to you.
•Do not set some magical, distant date when you’ll “start enjoying life.” Enjoy life and begin doing those things now. There is no promise of tomorrow.
•The newspaper obituary column is more significant to you than it once was.
•There is great pleasure just sitting watching it rain or snow.
•Always be a rookie at something.
•Convictions are worthless without action.
•Find a couple of things that when you do them daily, make you a better person. And do those things.
•Learn not to be so hard on yourself for past mistakes.
•Try to do a good deed every day. It’s even better if the deed cannot be returned.
•I am the only one who is responsible for reconciling the past.
•It is better to live my faith than to talk about it, though talking about it is worthy discussion.
•My greatest fear will always be acting a hypocrite.
•Some of the greatest moments happen around a big table with great food.
So true. I told a friend today that I don’t move fast enough to do everything I need to do today. What matters is I’m still trying at 71😊
Looking back from 65, I can tell you that this is a good list.