“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.”
For years, I’ve considered my obsessive-compulsive behavior to be a character flaw.
But, alas, I believe I will now embrace it.
Several weeks ago, I hired a coach to help keep me disciplined in specific areas of my life I deem important. We’ve had interesting conversations about dreams, goals, and mostly he has helped me take a view of things not just from the surface but from an “elevation of 20,000 feet.” It’s given me a new perspective on the totality of life.
In our last conversation as time came to a close, he pitched the idea of the importance of living a balanced life. He explained how too much focus in one area can detract from another, and the danger of creating “deficits” in some particular life compartments.
The balanced life.
I’ve thought about it a lot, and I’ve decided, as good as it sounds, it’s not for me.
I’m 46 years old. Had some major highs, and some of the lowest of the lows. Each high and low has been a great lesson. There have been some mistakes, and I’d take a “do-over” on some things, but I’ve had a great life, unbalanced as it may have been.
And I’m not sure I can change that now. The last thing I want to be is milquetoast. I don’t want to pursue a little bit of anything.
I want to stand on the equator, close my eyes and marvel at the magnificence of God‘s creation.
When I can wrap my mind around running again, I don’t want to exercise for 30 minutes a day. I want to train for one last marathon.
I want to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children.
I want to exhibit the radical love that Jesus showed to the woman caught in adultery.
I want to feed the hungry, comfort the hurting.
I want to collaborate with a small group of committed people…and change the world.
I want to lavishly spoil my wife, kids, mom, best friend and other friends with love, kindness and gifts.
I want to write books, not for the sake of calling myself an author, but to be a best-selling writer, and to offer readers a new perspective on things that really matter.
I want to drink thousand calorie milkshakes whenever the urge hits me.
I want to live life to the RADICAL EXTREME.
A balanced life. It sounds so right…and yet so boring.
Balance … while it has it’s merits … can be a stone around your neck. Great perspective, and great post.
Thanks, Robin. Have a great day!
Thanks for your thoughts.
I have been thinking about how unbalanced my life is recently. And also pushing back against the philosophy that excellence requires you to “win at all costs”.
You have just flipped my perspective around to entering life generously and fully with the intention to succeed together in the best ways we know how.
Thanks for sharing, David. I think we reach a certain level of maturity when we can weigh what “society” tells us to do vs. knowing our inner-selves and embracing our God-given design. Flourish in what you are, my friend, and make a difference. You were meant for that.
Go for it! Like the picture of the open tomb. Thanks for posting it.