“So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” ~ Psalm 90:12
It’s now been 143 days since my dad died.

He lived to be 25,984 days old. Strange thing to put a finite number of days on a man’s life … Doesn’t seem long does it?
As of today, July 16, 2012, I am 16,928 days old. Looking at those numbers puts a certain perspective on a man’s life.
To the best of my calculations, somewhere around day 11,322 of his life, my dad became a farmer. Dad’s days defined him as many things, but, foremost, he was a farmer.
On day 18,563 of his life, dad called me. The days of harvest were getting into full swing. He said to me: “You’ve got to get over here son. You’ve got to see this cotton harvest. We may never have another crop this good.”

Two days later, I joined him on the farm – with a camera – to record what he imagined to be a historic day. Together we shot photos for the entire day.
The day after dad died, I compiled the still photos into the video you see below. The photos shot on this day record what might very well have been the best day of his life.
The next day, we showed the video at his funeral – as a tribute to him. It helped make an otherwise sad day, a happy one.
If you read the Bible, take a look some time at Genesis 2:15. I construe a certain message from that verse. I believe that on the 8th day, God Made a Farmer.
Today, dad lives in a place where the restriction of time and day matters no more. He lives in the eternal light of the never-ending day.

Whatever your relationship with your dad might be today, I hope you’ll take stock, and enjoy the days ahead.
Days matter.
And so does your dad.
Here’s the video. Watching this makes MY day.
thanks for sharing, brings back a lot of great memories. a wonderful tribute !
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Touching words from my husband regarding his dad.
it’s beautiful Steve. I’m sure that your dad was (and is) very proud of the man you have become.
Thanks, Terry. Maybe so. He and I have both had our share of failures. I understand him now, better than I did when he was here.