“As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.
So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.” ~ 1st Samuel 17:48-50
What in the world does that familiar story have to do with the presidential election? I’ll tell you in just a minute.
Here’s what happened.
Ever been to a football game where the quarterback predictably handed the ball to a running back time after time after time? Slowly, methodically the team trudges down the field and makes its way to the goal line. It’s boring, not real glitzy, and the crowd hates it. It’s almost silent, but oftentimes, damn effective.
While all the white guys in XXL blue suits were standing ’round the country club bar knocking back Long Island Teas and comparing portfolios, a silent, but deadly ground game was going forward. And the white guys in blue suits never heard them coming.
They were Latino, Hispanic, Black and poor white – minorities we call them. And they were standing in early voting lines, getting on buses, carpooling to the polls and calling their friends. In the political world, it’s called GOTV – get out the vote – and it’s a political science that wins most elections and goes very mistakenly unnoticed because it’s quiet.
It’s actually slap-you-in-the-face-obvious if you just look at the map.
This election happened in California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Florida. What do these states have in common? For one, they hold true to one of our country’s founding principles. They welcome “foreigners” as their own. They embrace diversity. “Give me your tired, your poor,” they say.
And though they may be “minorities” in this country, they are rock-solid together, as one, because they have no other choice.
Oh, how we talk about power of the evangelical Christian right. They’re going to determine this election’s outcome, right? They can’t even agree on the color of the choir robes, much less come together as a body that creates a movement. They haven’t done it since the first century, so why would it happen now? They’re so busy spitting in the eye of freedom of choice, the self-righteousness loses sight of the greater good.
Barack Obama was the most beatable president in recent history. It was Mitt’s to lose, and lose, he did.
Never in the history of social media has a man been so disrespected as the present and future president of the United States. He’s your president today, and is your Commander-in-Chief for the next four years. Suck it up and give your respect. If not, just be quiet, okay?
What does the story of David and Goliath have to do with it all? Only everything.
This country’s solid minority, just beat the fragmented majority like a dog.
From now on, maybe we all should just try to get along.
The majority no longer rules. Get used to it, or do something about it.
Now the only question that remains is this: Will Chris Christie face Biden or Clinton (Hillary, that is,) in 2016? That race starts now.
And by the way, I am a white guy who occasionally wears blue suits.
I screamed so loud I think the Dewitts may have heard me at the end of the block! I love your line, “suck it up and give your respect”. It is time for this country to give respect! And yes, accept and embrace the diversity that we were built upon in the first place. Well said indeed Mr. Watkins!
Yes, well said.
The ground game was real. Occupy Wall Street was a real movement. Young people are and have been truly engaged since 2008. They were mobilized and organized this year. And I’m sure the ‘47%’ comment helped keep the fire burning. Instead of sitting in a park singing songs they were volunteering and getting out the vote. They formed groups that we’ve never heard of until last night and used social media in ways we didn’t know possible.
The movement wasn’t really quiet. We just weren’t listening.
They were marching down the field to the goal line while the traditional establishment and media were at the concession stand. They never saw it coming.
Last night was a political science lesson they will be teaching for years to come.
American politics is so interesting!
It’s interesting alright! So glad it’s over!