I like to think I’m a caring, sometimes decent and patient man, but I’m SO OVER the following things:
1. I’m so over Wheel of Fortune. Oh, the humanity, how long can this go on? The very sound of that wheel spinning sends me into a frenzy.
2. I’m so over the National Basketball association (NBA). London‘s Olympics reminded me of the greatness of the 1996 Dream Team, the greatest basketball team ever to take the court. Twelve Hall of Famers on one team. There’s not a player in the NBA today who can match a single one of them, and they’re mostly all a disrespectful bunch of brats.
3. I’m so over Survivor. Guys, you’re running out of tropical islands and has-been sports pros and sitcom stars from the 80s to keep things interesting. You should have gone out on a high note three years ago. https://wp.me/p2bjEC-j4
4. I’m so over soft drinks. I’m sick of the way they taste. No mas.
5. I’m so over Nutella. Oh, Nutella marketing people … promote it as the world’s most delicious health food if you must, but it’s chocolate candy and you know it.
6. I’m so over The Bachelor/ette. I watched it a few times early on, but now leave the room when it comes on. How many people can sleep with one another in a series of shows?
7. I’m so over thinking my yard has to be the best manicured in the neighborhood. Just in time too. A guy moved in two doors down and his every blade of grass glistens with groomed perfection. Thank goodness I no longer have to compete.
8. I’m so over phone aps. This smart phone thing is a fad. It’s gonna pass.
9. I’m so over the mainstream idea that our kids must follow a prescribed curriculum of 12 years of school, four years of college, and maybe four more years of professional school to be a success in life. Certain college degree programs, I believe, should call for two years of mandatory public service or international travel prior to admission.
10. I’m so over Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert and Taylor Swift. Are they three different people or all one person? I really can’t tell.
11. I’m SOOOO over Dr. Phil.
12. I’m so over Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. I’m so over Obama’s clear belief that he’s always the smartest person in the room, and I’m so over Mitt Romney’s failure to project the good guy he really is.
13. I’m so over both sugar and salt. The more I age, the more your tiny little granules make me feel bad. You’re banned from my taste buds now.
14. I’m ALMOST so over being overweight. My best friend’s losing a dozen pounds a month. All my work colleagues are on a weight-loss binge, and I still succumb to the Friday donuts. I’ll be glad when I’m so TOTALLY over being overweight. I’m going to run another marathon just to prove I can.
15. I’m so over my hair. It’s grey, course and totally unmanageable, and that’s a tough thing for a fashion diva guy-who-doesn’t-care like me. I’m considering the slick look.
See today’s additional posts @ https://wp.me/p2bjEC-Az and https://wp.me/s2bjEC-2311
Related articles:
- Surprise, Surprise! Nutella not a Healthy, Nutritious Food (friendseat.com)
- Not New News, But Still Unbelievable: Nutella Lawsuit (hangryhippo.com)
- The Nutella Syringe Story (fakeplasticsouks.blogspot.com)
thank you. I needed this today!
For whatever reason, your welcome.
Ok, I agree with almost everything…except! My daughters and I LOVE Taylor, Carrie and Miranda. Lol. Thanks for putting in writing what most of us are thinking!