You are a natural seeker of Light. So am I.
Just one part of God‘s great Design is that we are seekers of light. Our soul needs it; our skin needs it, our bones and eyes need Light.
And it’s a great paradox that sometimes, even though we already have the Light in us (see 2 Corinthians 4:6) that we go out and look for it, oftentimes in the wrong places.
In our daily walk, we seek out the Light. It’s our innate desire for understanding, acceptance, truth and self-identification.
Because of Old Testament prophecy, the people of the early first century were overly zealous in their pursuit of the Light. So hungry were they in their pursuit that they were easily mistaken, especially in the great case of John the Baptist.
Consider some of the most awesome scipture that ever was from the Book of John:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God …In Him was life, and the Life was the Light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
There came a man sent from god, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to testify about the Light, so that all might believe through Him. He was not the Light, but he came to testify about the Light. There was true Light, which coming into the world enlightens EVERY man.” John 1:1-9
Even though the Light is in us, sometimes we have a need for supplemental light, and that’s ok.
Babies born prematurely need the warmth and comfort that incubation light provides for their proper development. Many doctors use phototherapy for the treatment of serious wounds, acne and other skin irritations. I often supplement my Bible reading with the works of great authors such as Barna, Viola, Buford, Idleman and others. They provide supplement to my daily walk. All this is ok.
Then sometimes, especially as adults, we go looking for supplemental light in all the wrong places. In the search for life’s answers we find ourselves caught up in addictions, wrong relationships, schemes and other things that we believe will “make us happy.” That’s not ok.
You see, the darkness has a trick up it’s sleeve to make you think you can find the light in some bad places.
And as much as I prefer not to talk or write about these things, they are true. There is an enemy out there who wishes you harm and he will do everything he can to see you drawn to mistaken light.
Now I’m not naive enought to believe I’m important enough for the enemy to pursue me on a daily basis. He’s got much bigger fish to fry than me, but reading Frank Peritti’s book “This Present Darkness” a few years ago changed my view forever regarding how the enemy uses his legion of demonic spirits to bring me down. Again, forgive the demonic talk. I don’t like it and don’t go there often, but it is a reality, and here’s the support from God’s own Word:
“No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of Light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14
This is an amazing scripture – pure evidence of God’s magnificent design.
With all the negative influence the enemy can have on a fallen world, when all else fails, he’ll steal God’s method and disguise himself as “Light.”
All the more reason for us to stay in the Word which gives us wisdom, discernment and the power and authority to be the Light ourselves. False light can never penetrate pure light and we are the Light of the Word because Christ lives in us.
It’s going to be a beautiful spring-like day here in Arkansas today. I’m going out to catch some light. Make no mistake about it.
Interesting phrase, “False Light.” I had not thought of that before. Here in Brazil there is an acceptance of Dark Forces that we do not have in the US for the most part. Here, there are people who practice black magic and when I first came here, I did not believe such a things existed. But I have worked with seriously disturbed children who come very dark homes. I have witnessed obsession and the power of the Dark. I believe I was shown all of this so that I would know that these things exist. I have dedicated my life to serving the Light and have seen again and again how I am protected. But I do not take this protection for granted and know that I must be vigilant in my spiritual life. I also know that ultimately there is only Light and Love. Nothing is more powerful. Nothing. Follow your heart, Steve. All that we need to know is within us. Allow time for silence for in silence does our Creator speak to us. hugs, pat
Thank you. The false light is there for sure. Did not realize your South American location. I’ll be visiting Cordoba, Argentina this July on a mission.
Yes, I am from Florida but have been a volunteer in central Brazil for the past ten years. I retired last June from working with handicapped children and children with serious emotional problems, living in homes of great darkness. I can hardly tell I am retired, though, except that my schedule is now mine. Are you and your wife doing mission work in Argentina? Hugs, pat
Yes, in Cordoba. Specifically in an impoverished area called Los Galpones.