You wouldn’t expect a 45-year-old guy from Arkansas to be the most techno-savvy knife in the drawer. And that would be right. I’ve always been a late adopter, used people around me who were much smarter than me, and fancied myself as the idea guy.
That was actually a cover-up for technology ignorance, but it was my line and it sounded good.
But I’ve realized it can no longer be that way.
Now as old fogey-ish and backwoodsy (actually I live in the middle of a fairly progressive MSA) as this will sound, the world sure is a changin’ fast Jethro.
I cannot believe the speed at which business now changes – literally by the hour. In order to truly succeed over the long term no longer can I be just the idea guy. I have to understand how this stuff works.
In the five minutes it took to write this much so far, there were some 300 million FB hits and viewers watched nearly 14 million YouTube videos.
Boy, do I miss my Royal typewriter.
Back in the day (the sarcastic old-guy stuff stops here) we used to believe we were one idea away from success.
I’ve been blogging on wordpress about a month now and haven’t asked a single person for help. Built it all myself, studied it myself, tested things myself and it’s been a great learning experience. One click can make a difference with regard to:
- how many search engines pick you up
- how many suggested tags you take
- the quality of photo you post
- when your post hits, and in what part of the world
- when your post hits certain social media outlets
- how you “exponentialize” all that
- finding the right person with whom you might collaborate – it’s a big world in that regard
- etc
- etc
- etc
It’s fun to pursue success, and it’s fun to experiment with how to pursue success.
But it’s more fun to have success.
I think I may be just one click away…