Follow this blog today, and become eligible for a $25 Visa gift card to be given at 6 p.m. CST tonight. Following does have its rewards. And oh, yes, thanks for …
It’s Lonely in Hilton Garden Inn #309
It's hard not blogging. It's been just more than eight days since my last post, and since I abhor the blogs that "apologize" for having been away so long, I'll …
How to Get Blog Hits When You Sleep
"Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art, and working is art, and good business is the best art." ~ Andy …
Summer Solstice Resolutions
Today is summer solstice. There are 15 hours and 36 minutes of daylight in Jonesboro, Arkansas. With so many hours in the day, I've been thinking, and hereby …
The Language of Coachspeak
A quick follow-up from yesterday's post: Here in Arkansas - It's the Perfect Storm. Quotes (and interpretations) from Coach Gus Malzan …
Blogging Outside Your Comfort Zone: 7 Tips
(Blogger's Note: If you're a blogger or writer, I'd love to hear your own experiences about writing outside your comfort zone. Please share away!) Traditional …
Discovering Tozer
Two good friends recently turned me on to the works of A.W. Tozer, who in 1919, began 44 years of Christian ministry. His works are among the most insightful …
Is the Easter Bunny the Anti-Christ?
Last Christmas eve I attended a candlelight service where 50 or so people came together to prepare their hearts for the celebration of Christ's birth. I've …
Happy Transparent Birthday, Dana.
Happy 39th birthday, my sweet love. What would I do without you? 39 Reasons I Love You... You make me smile and laugh. Despite my quirks and faults, you …
Aggressively Pursuing the UN-balanced Life
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." ~ James Dean For years, I've considered my obsessive-compulsive behavior to be a character …
What do Jesus, Sarah Palin and Al Sharpton Have in Common?
Not that much that I can see, honestly. But they all get a lot of "hits." I love writing. And almost as much as I love writing, I love the metrical study of …
What do Jesus, Sarah Palin and Al Sharpton Have in Common?Read More
Taking a Break from Breaking News
From 8 to 5 or so each day, I have the privilege to work with a tremendous group of people. With about 30 or so employees, we are small in number, …
The Binge: 12 Lessons Learned
"The only book that shall ever be written is the one that flows up from the heart, forced out by the inward pressure. When such a work has gestated within a …
Going on a Binge
BINGE - an act of excessive or compulsive consumption... Twenty-four hours from now, I'm going on a 60-hour binge - a writing binge that is. If you're like …
The 3-7-12 Principle (Part 2 of 4)
Seinfeld's George Costanza was on to something in the episode where he had a burning desire to name his firstborn "Seven." Seven Costanza - has quite a …
This is a Test…
Please comment on this image, expressing what it makes you think about, or how it makes you feel. …
Snickers “Gets” Forgiveness
My dog, Snickers and I, have a love-hate relationship. Not really. It's mostly all love ... but unfortunately she's been unintentionally trained to sleep on …