So you want to publish your first book. Me too. Yesterday I wrote about the first of the six-part formula I use in my writing. You can see that post here: …
What It Takes to Write Copy That Kills: Part 2: ThinkingRead More
by: Steve Watkins In: Books, Publishing, writing
So you want to publish your first book. Me too. Yesterday I wrote about the first of the six-part formula I use in my writing. You can see that post here: …
What It Takes to Write Copy That Kills: Part 2: ThinkingRead More
by: Steve Watkins In: Books, Publishing
[youtube=] Among the group of professionals who call themselves writers (we'll save my opinion for what makes a …
Writing’s Most Important Metaphor: Ending on a High NoteRead More
by: Steve Watkins In: "Religion", Life Strategies, Observations
"The only book that shall ever be written is the one that flows up from the heart, forced out by the inward pressure. When such a work has gestated within a …
by: Steve Watkins In: Balance, Life Strategies
BINGE - an act of excessive or compulsive consumption... Twenty-four hours from now, I'm going on a 60-hour binge - a writing binge that is. If you're like …