"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." - Mark Twain It's been a year of considerable travel, maybe the most mobile year ever. …
It’s Lonely in Hilton Garden Inn #309
It's hard not blogging. It's been just more than eight days since my last post, and since I abhor the blogs that "apologize" for having been away so long, I'll …
Secondary Blog
First, to all the friends and followers who periodically stop by and occasionally enjoy this blog, a very heartfelt, "Thank you." I appreciate your comments, …
One-Upping the Other Guy…
These two convenience store competitors in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador may not have chosen the best location to compete with one another, but one is clearly the more …
Our Relational DNA: It Spans the Globe
Dana and I had a number of reasons for undertaking a 10-day adventure in Ecuador, but chief among them was to immerse ourselves in the culture. We knew there …
Vacation Not – Adventure, Yes
While we're not particularly die-hard fans of anything on television today, Dana and I have always been drawn to the CBS reality show, The Amazing Race, where …
Dear Daddy…
I was thinking of you at this moment. For just a fleeting second I was thinking how much you would enjoy this view...then I remembered you see …
Just a Few Quick Shots from Ecuador
Time has been too valuable to blog since our arrival in Ecuador six days ago now. Every minute is exploration. Wanted to post a few quick pics, though, and will …
Southbound: To the Middle of the World
Camera - check. Kindle with 6 episodes of The Sopranos - check. Clothes that SCREAM American tourist - check. Plane tickets - check. Rental car - …