Not that much that I can see, honestly. But they all get a lot of “hits.”
I love writing. And almost as much as I love writing, I love the metrical study of writing and what gets people’s attention. The world of communication now moves with lightning speed, and by virtue of sheer volume, it takes something special to get readers to stop and read – something that tugs at their heartstrings.
It’s funny I’ve noticed in recent months that a photo post of my dog often generates more “likes” and responses than almost any other thing I can post on Facebook. It’s a humbling thing for someone who considers himself a journalist.
Yesterday, I took a daylong fast from coffee and a few other personal indulgences… and I had a bad back ache. The ensuing bad mood gave me the perfect excuse to make a quick “airing of grievances” on FB.
The post was simple. Three things I don’t like on my wall:
- People telling me I don’t love Jesus if I don’t “repost” their post about how much they love Jesus.
Anything about Sarah Palin. I don’t care for Sarah Palin.
Inciteful posts about the Trayvon Martin case used by a number of “journalists” to promote racial conflict for the advancement of their personal agendas.
Interestingly, dozens of “likes” and comments poured in through the day and throughout the night. And they came from people across the spectrum of religious and political beliefs.
Let’s take these one at a time:
- I’m going to be bluntly candid about this. Jesus loves you. He loves you with as much love as there is in the universe. But He doesn’t give a crap about your professed love for Him on Facebook. If it makes you feel good, so be it. I just don’t think it’s the depth of commitment for which He’s looking. Offer a kind word to someone who’s down, or help a neighbor in need. That’s the ticket.
- I don’t blame Sarah Palin for putting herself in a position to make money. Flukes happen, and she’s the product of one of the greatest political flukes in modern-day. I do, however, take a stand against FOX News for using her as a ratings enhancer, and today, NBC’s Today Show for allowing her to co-host with Matt Lauer, a fine journalist. It’s Today’s response to Katie Couric‘s weeklong guest host stint on Good Morning America. Does Sarah Palin really have that much of value to say to us? I’ve yet to see it. Her intellectual stimulation fails to reach me. But she’s a great performer. I’ll give her that. Nothing more.
- Finally, Trayvon Martin. Maybe the most irresponsible journalistic hype since Nancy Grace adopted the Casey Anthony cause. We now have Al Sharpton leading America’s case against the injustice done against Trayvon Martin … and not that it wasn’t a major injustice. But it’s no longer about Martin. It’s about Sharpton and self promotion and elevating his status as a journalist/activist (the two of which just don’t jive). Shame on you MSNBC. You’re better than that. And out of the woodwork comes Geraldo Rivera. Give it up Geraldo – the original self-promoting journalist. Go home.
David Brinkley, Peter Jennings, Andy Rooney and Tim Russert – I miss you guys. But you wouldn’t want to see what this has become, anyway.
Now, for a cup of coffee to improve my mood.
Steven, most of the time I agree with your posts but not completely today.
I love your dog.
I love Sarah Palin: she is not out for the money and for those who patronize her as evil may wish they hadn’t. Prophets are referring to her as a modern day Esther. Esther risked her life to save her people. If Sarah Palin were in it for the money she wouldn’t continue as she has been handed a fistful of slander more than any other and I for one am weary of hearing people slam her.
I love FOX news and realize they have their issues like Geraldo. At least they cover Christian news more than the others. I have quit watching the other news sources because of their left winged double standard.
Rev. Al Sharpton is doing exactly what you have said. The Martin case has turned into a sad case of self indulgence. Get the facts.
Great article Steve…
I will even agree with you on the Palin angle. We have been on broadcast only TV for 10 years so no comments on FOX and others but it leaks through.
Interesting post … and I too miss Tim Russert and the like. Good reminders as to why I keep my eyes focused heavenly.
agree, don’t agree, agree….good post. Made me think where I stand on the three issues. I like people who make me think.
Well, at least we’re all thinking. That’s worth something, huh? Thanks for the comments.
I miss Russert and Jennings! I do wander what their take would be on the issues at hand. I agree and disagree with what you wrote. Mostly I admire you for putting your opinions and insight out there for us to ponder our own beliefs.
Good thoughts, Steven. Thanks for sharing.