“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good …
A Lavish Lesson in Grace
(Blogger's Note: In the hiking community, a side trail, or spur, is a footpath that wanders off the main trail and simply leads to another …
Clean Slate: A Vision
In Spring 2009, my depression reached critical mass. I hadn't worked at a real job for six months, carried some heavy relational baggage, and the truth is, I …
Cruz Ferro: Leaving Hurt Behind. Ultreia.
“As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us.” ~ Psalm 103:12 There are certain things you don’t think much …
You Can’t Depend on Church People
For most of last year, and up until just a few weeks ago this year, Dana and I attended a small, denominational church just two blocks down the road …
Let it Rain
They're calling it the Maya Express. Everything has to have a name today. We assign personalities to the most intangible stuff now. But I actually …
Pursuing Your Purpose: Getting Started
(Blogger's Note: This is the second in a series of videos discussing the pursuit of our purpose.) https://youtu.be/OUMoEurRhOw …
Trump, the Bible & Fear
These are three thoughts, any of which could be a valid post on its own. Unfortunately, I'm already behind today, so I'm taking the quick route out. With the …
2015: Rejecting Invictus
I wanted to learn about myself this year, and so I did. And I don't regret the time I spent in doing so. After 49 years and change you'd really think a man …
It’s Go Time
A PILGRIM'S PRAYER Dear Lord, Give us the courage to set off on pilgrimage. May we travel unhindered by wordly possessions, simply trusting in You for all we …
James the Apostle: Son of Thunder
(Blogger's Note: Taking a break from my normal format and style today to offer a few thoughts about James the Apostle. It's appropriate here, since the Camino …
The Truth About Glory
When you've written as many words as I have over the years, it's kind of a big deal to set one aside as the favorite. As the author of creation I've always …
Video Journal #2 T-13 Days
This post highlights some of the equipment I'll take on pilgrimage for the Camino de Santiago. https://youtu.be/gW-BCyLCgL0 …
Video Journal #1 T-21 Days
This is my first video journal recorded last week, and published via Facebook that day. Just wanted to get it on the blog for the archives. I'll produce a …
The Truth About Training
“So, I must be taken as I have been made. The success is not mine, the failure is not mine, but the two together make me.” ~ Charles Dickens Just about every …
The Truth About Solvitur Ambulando
It's a phrase I'd never heard until just a few months ago. Solvitur ambulando. A well-read and accomplished friend who's already thru-conquered the Appalachian …
The Truth About Hearing That Voice
(Blogger's Note: Perhaps it's an appropriate moment to share just a word about my writing philosophy, especially what I write here on the blog. I don't aspire …
The Truth About Knowing When Someone Has Your Back
Many years ago I read a book that offered this imaginary account of a woman who'd just passed into the heavenly realm. As she met St. Peter at the …
The Truth About Two Kinds of Wilderness
I loved the wilderness as a kid. May be even more drawn to it as an adult. My father's love for duck hunting ensured I spent my fair share of time in …
The Truth of My Uncertainty
Today marks a milestone day in my preparation for pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. I am six weeks out from departure. From the moment the thought entered …