With Annie O’Neil who wrote the foreword to Pilgrim Strong.You should write a book they said. It’ll be easy, they said.
And truth is after 12 years as beat newspaper reporter, three years as a congressional press secretary, and working in my own publishing business another seven years, it made sense that writing a book would be easy. It’s just a long story, after all. Fifty thousand words or so instead of a few hundred.
That is SO not true.
Completing Pilgrim Strong during the last 18 months has been just as much a test of endurance and humility as walking 500 miles across the Way of St. James itself, the background experience on which the memoir is penned. Some moments were amazing. Other times, walking away altogether came to mind.
There are many books available about the Camino de Santiago experience. In some regards we’re not plowing new ground here and it’s everyone’s right to publish a book. But I wanted to write a good book, different from most others, and one that would occasionally make the reader think about his or her own life and their place in the world. Maybe we’ll achieve that. We’ll know soon enough.
A few updates on where everything stands. Every writer makes a decision early on to publish in a traditional sense (with an agent and a publishing company or some combination thereof), or to self publish. I explored both options in depth. Ultimately, I decided to self publish Pilgrim Strong because I knew marketing the book and managing the publishing process would be enjoyable. Plus, it would all be a great learning experience. Plus, I’m impatient.
About the publishing process: That means realizing the goal of book in hand, and more importantly book for sale in late October, requires managing deadlines among four people – me, an editor, cover designer, and interior layout designer. If you start at the end and work backwards, get an understanding of what everyone needs and how much time, build in several weeks for frustrating screw ups, you can actually pull it off. We are knee-deep in deadlines for everyone now, and all parties are actively working.
That includes me and it might surprise you to know at this point the copy is not 100 percent complete. The “takeaway” for the reader suggested in the final chapter and epilogue is important and I wanted to take an extra long time thinking it through. It’s in my head, and in rough notes on paper soon complete. There are several “takeaway” themes in the end including: understanding our need to join something bigger than ourselves, drilling down to our core and having peace when we find it, understanding the nature of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy, and the joy and adventure we find when we take the initiative to go looking for our great identity. I told you this isn’t the typical camino book.
In the midst of production, the marketing campaign is under way. Truth is, the marketing began a long time ago, even before I made the first step on pilgrimage. It just worked out that way. People who know me know how much I love marketing, and truth is my greatest fear is the marketing strategies will surpass the actual book quality. It’s a fear that nags me every day.
Released just this week, an amazing story from the Way of St. James.
It’s been a privilege to work with, and receive support from respected professionals in the publishing industry, and in the “pilgrim community.” Pilgrim Strong has testimonial endorsements from Patrick Gray and Justin Paul Stutzman’s Hiking ThroughSkeesuck, authors of the just-released I’ll Push You; Andrew Suzuki, documentary producer of Beyond the Way and Don’t Stop Walking; Paul Stutzman, author of Hiking Through; Kurt Koontz, author of A Million Steps; and David and Anna Dintaman Landis, co-authors of A Village to Village Guide to Hiking the Camino de Santiago.
Beth Jusino, pilgrim friend, writer, editor, and publishing professional has provided invaluable advice along the way, and without her willingness to act as a sounding board it wouldn’t have been pretty. Among other works, Beth is the author of The Author’s Guide to Marketing. She is currently publishing her own camino memoir. Beth’s giftedness promises it will be one of the very best in its genre.
Promotional trailers are currently in production. The first is scheduled for release on July 4. These are actually fun to imagine and create with the help of my friend Raney Rogers.
The cover is scheduled for completion next week. Still thinking about the best way to execute the big reveal, (understanding this is a bigger deal to me than anyone else, ha).
That’s a general recap of where things stand at the moment and with some luck Pilgrim Strong will be available on pre-sale in late October and for direct purchase the week of Thanksgiving.
As mentioned above, the awareness campaign begins now. There are lots of ways you can become a part of the group that helps spread the word from now until November. Drop me a line if you’re interested!
Bravo Steve, I’m really looking forward to your book. I have written one myself and I’m trying to decide on a publishing company. I am going back and forth between Dorrance Publishing and Create Space. I’m hoping to decide by end of week. Do you have any words of encouragement for either of these companies? Thanks so much.
I’m using both CreateSpace and IngramSpark. IS for the books I sell directly, (at events, signings, and on my personal website, etc.) and CS for everything else.
I am very interested to read this book
Having been reading your blogs I would like to see the end results
Ann Hoggard
Steve, I’m catching up on reading emails. I’m so excited for you. I would be honored to help in any way I can. God bless you.
Bravo Steve, I’m really looking forward to your book. I have written one myself and I’m trying to decide on a publishing company. I am going back and forth between Dorrance Publishing and Create Space. I’m hoping to decide by end of week. Do you have any words of encouragement for either of these companies? Thanks so much.
Pat DeVaney
I’m using both CreateSpace and IngramSpark. IS for the books I sell directly, (at events, signings, and on my personal website, etc.) and CS for everything else.
I am very interested to read this book
Having been reading your blogs I would like to see the end results
Steve, I’m catching up on reading emails. I’m so excited for you. I would be honored to help in any way I can. God bless you.
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