As we turned east down the access road a fresh spring breeze rushed through our partially rolled-down windows and the morning sun radiated warmly …
Let it Rain
They're calling it the Maya Express. Everything has to have a name today. We assign personalities to the most intangible stuff now. But I actually …
It’s Go Time
A PILGRIM'S PRAYER Dear Lord, Give us the courage to set off on pilgrimage. May we travel unhindered by wordly possessions, simply trusting in You for all we …
The Truth About What You Hallow
(Blogger's Note: I'll create a second video journal tomorrow about preparing for pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. It will be published here on the blog, …
The Truth About Knowing When Someone Has Your Back
Many years ago I read a book that offered this imaginary account of a woman who'd just passed into the heavenly realm. As she met St. Peter at the …
Failure: Friend or Foe? (Part II) *** As a follow-up to this post yesterday, I'm attaching a 7-minute video …
Dreams and Visions: Is There a Difference?
I just began wondering about this. I'd search the internet for a profound quote, but here's what I think: "A dream is something hoped for. A vision is a dream …
A Delta Prayer
Across the azure sky you grace, southeast to slight northwest, You pass above the fertile land, and we hope the very best. A litte rain is all we ask, To …