"Say, yes. And if you're lucky, you will find people who say 'yes' back. Now will saying yes, get you in trouble at times? Will saying yes, lead you to some …
2013: Kill the Status Quo and SEE Your Laughable Dreams.
"It is impossible to travel South without turning one's back to the North." ~ A.W. Tozier Gordon McKenzie's unofficial title at Hallmark was vice president for …
2013: Kill the Status Quo and SEE Your Laughable Dreams.Read More
Un-Learning Church – The Inverted Steeple Approach
One of my first recollections of church is a Southern Baptist cliché. I think I was 5 years old, so the year would have been 1971. An aunt was babysitting me …
What Would it Look Like if …
... we shattered our categories? "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must …