As we turned east down the access road a fresh spring breeze rushed through our partially rolled-down windows and the morning sun radiated warmly …
Dear Daddy…
I was thinking of you at this moment. For just a fleeting second I was thinking how much you would enjoy this view...then I remembered you see …
Is the Easter Bunny the Anti-Christ?
Last Christmas eve I attended a candlelight service where 50 or so people came together to prepare their hearts for the celebration of Christ's birth. I've …
The 3-7-12 Principle (Part 1 of 4)
(Blogger's Note: This is the first in a series of four posts outlining the 3-7-12 Principle in my upcoming book: "Light Wins! ...and the darkness is defeated …
What Would it Look Like if …
... we shattered our categories? "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must …
The Evolving Church: Not a New Concept, but a Vintage One
(stevenwwatkins gives credit for the information expressed in this blog to Nate Navarro, pastor of Austin Life Church in Austin, Texas, who visited Jonesboro …
The Evolving Church: Not a New Concept, but a Vintage OneRead More
Dark vs. Light (Part 2)
From the Genesis account we know the first thing God desires for us to know is that he created the heavens and the earth. He is the creator of all things. The …
Dark vs. Light (research; please comment)
Dear Blogging Friends: I'm currently conducting some independent research on dark vs. light for a book manuscript I'm putting together. I would love you to …
The “Spirit-Filled” … “Church”?
My first experience with God's Holy Spirit came at an age as early as I can remember, sitting as a young observer in our tiny little community Methodist Church …