It started out with a hole in our hearts. There were peaks and valleys that have followed since. Our lives will never be the same following the …
A New Foundation to Build On
Most years it was just an obligatory exercise. All the personal self-development gurus said it was something you needed to do. So, I did it, sort of just moving …
2015: Rejecting Invictus
I wanted to learn about myself this year, and so I did. And I don't regret the time I spent in doing so. After 49 years and change you'd really think a man …
The Absolute Worst Trends of 2015
... in no particular order... 1. The increasingly casual remark of putting others in our "thoughts and prayers" as an expression to pretend we …
2013: Kill the Status Quo and SEE Your Laughable Dreams.
"It is impossible to travel South without turning one's back to the North." ~ A.W. Tozier Gordon McKenzie's unofficial title at Hallmark was vice president for …
2013: Kill the Status Quo and SEE Your Laughable Dreams.Read More
Goodbye to the Old Years: The Ano Viejos in Ecuador!
In Denmark, they break dishes. In the Philippines they wear polka-dots. In Ecuador it seems we burn "scarecrows" at midnight. It's a cultural New Year's …
Goodbye to the Old Years: The Ano Viejos in Ecuador!Read More