(Blogger's Note: This is the last in a series of posts looking back at 2016, and ahead to the new year. Thank you so very much to everyone who read the posts at …
2016: My Year-End Review – Filters and Anchor PointsRead More
by: Steve Watkins In: Faith, Inspiration, journal, writing
(Blogger's Note: This is the last in a series of posts looking back at 2016, and ahead to the new year. Thank you so very much to everyone who read the posts at …
2016: My Year-End Review – Filters and Anchor PointsRead More
by: Steve Watkins In: journal, life, opinion, writing
(Blogger's Note: This is the third in a series of posts reflecting on 2016, and looking ahead to challenges in the new year. Tomorrow in the final post, I'll …
by: Steve Watkins In: journal, opinion, Truth, writing
(Blogger's Note: This is the second in a series of year-end blog posts focusing on milestones and challenges in both the old year, and the new.) "Never get into …