You’ll find a bonus story here and there through The King of Highbanks Road manuscript. One such bonus is a list of my dad’s favorite sayings. Several are toned down in color. Ha.
Are any of these tossed about in your family?
•She’s as nervous as a sinner in church. (as nervous as it gets)
•Never get in a fight with a pig in the mud. You get dirty, and the pig loves it. (some things just aren’t worth it.)
•He’s choppin’ in tall cotton. (acknowledging a nice accomplishment)
•Don’t know about you, but I’m wore plum out. (more than just tired – very tired)
•How’s your mom and them? (greeting between families close in friendship)
•You beat all I’ve ever seen. (hard to believe)
•Colder than a well digger’s @$#. (very cold)
•He’s gettin’ way too big for his britches. (braggart)
•Slow as molasses in winter. (usually reserved to describe an adolescent male)
•I’m full as a tick. (what you say after every meal in the South)
•Look to the West. It’s comin’ up a storm. (rain and wind will be here in twenty minutes)
•I’ll swan. (my, oh, my)
•Yes, sir, that (rain) was a toad strangler. (rain that leaves water standing in row middles)
•Tight as a banjo string. (a cheap old man, or a nut on a bolt that won’t budge)
•I swear to my time. (personal exasperation, disbelief)
•He doesn’t know his @$# from a hole in the ground. (downright dumb)
•He’s cruisin’ for a bruisin’. (luck is about to run out)