Today marks my 230th post since taking up residency on WordPress in late January. Lots of great discussion. The posts will be fewer and farther between for the …
One-Upping the Other Guy…
These two convenience store competitors in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador may not have chosen the best location to compete with one another, but one is clearly the more …
Six Sunsets…
Vacation Not – Adventure, Yes
While we're not particularly die-hard fans of anything on television today, Dana and I have always been drawn to the CBS reality show, The Amazing Race, where …
Southbound: To the Middle of the World
Camera - check. Kindle with 6 episodes of The Sopranos - check. Clothes that SCREAM American tourist - check. Plane tickets - check. Rental car - …
It’s an Honor: An Open Letter to WordPress Bloggers and Those Who Read My Blog
"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing." ~ Ben Franklin On any …
It’s an Honor: An Open Letter to WordPress Bloggers and Those Who Read My BlogRead More