(Blogger‘s Note: In the ongoing series on Light, today’s bonus post is a guest blog from Dana Watkins, who just happens to be my wife, best friend and partner in all that I do. Dana is a missionary with experiences in Greece, Morocco and Mexico. She has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in speech communication from Arkansas State University. Look for her own personal blog coming soon.)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in Alaska during the extended periods of darkness? I was listening to the news a few mornings ago when I heard a familiar topic being discussed: S.A.D. It took me back many years ago to my basic oral communications class when I was looking for a topic for one of my “informative” speeches. I chose the topic of S.A.D. If you don’t recognize the acronym, it stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder.
There is a medically proven type of depression that is caused by lack of sunlight. Over the years, in my studies of God’s Word, I have seen that many times for every biblical principle there is a physical manifestation that we experience. I have had times in my life where I was soaking in the Light of the Word of God, and times where I felt like I was living in Alaska, during the dark period.
Symptoms of S.A.D. include: Increased appetite with weight gain; increased sleep and daytime sleepiness; less energy and ability to concentrate in the afternoon; loss of interest in work or other activities; slow, sluggish lethargic movement; social withdrawal; unhappiness and irritability.
Treatment may include medication, taking walks in the daytime with sunlight if possible, and even a “flourescent light treatment” replicating the closest form of light to natural sunlight.
As you may imagine, LIGHT has been a topic of discussion around our house these days especially. Lately I have found myself challenged with a certain level of “sadness.” I could list many reasons that might be contributing, but if I look to the solutions, there is one thing that is 100 proof. Jesus referred to Himself as the Light, John 12:35…..He also said that even ..I (Dana) am the light to a dying world and to let my light so shine before all men that they may see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:14..16)
I have also recently started a new exercise program and isn’t it interesting that many of us know what to do, but knowing is not enough, we must ACT on that knowledge, by exercising, or reading and studying God’s Word, or letting our light shine.
Jesus said that we should learn from little children. An old Sunday school song comes to mind, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.”
I encourage you to soak up HIS light and be a flashlight to others….shine your own light God has placed in you.
You have been a “bright spot” and a pet mine for years…your beautiful face makes my heart smile….love you much!
Dana, you are such a blessing to people who know your heart. I thank God for blessing Dad n me with such a wonderful daughter who loves God. You do show Gods light. As Joel Osteen says “push the delete button” if anyone or any thoughts try to say anything different. “This Little Light of Mine” is one of my favorite songs even from when I was a child in Sunday School. Let your light shine sweet Jesus in us all so that all the world will see you n be drawn to you. Love you Dana.