[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FOUqQt3Kg0] "As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. …
Election 2012: Well – That’s What Happens to a Bunch of White Guys in Blue SuitsRead More
by: Steve Watkins In: election 2012, latest news, political blog conservative, Politics, writing
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FOUqQt3Kg0] "As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. …
Election 2012: Well – That’s What Happens to a Bunch of White Guys in Blue SuitsRead More
by: Steve Watkins In: latest news, political blog conservative, writing
*** I'm not a political commentator, but I sometimes play one on the blog. If I were, however, that's the post-debate analysis I'd give my audience this …
Who Won the Debate? Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and 11.5 Million Buckeyes. That’s Who.Read More
by: Steve Watkins In: latest news, Politics, writing
I'm on the record as a critic of Mitt Romney's campaign, and until last night, it was, in fact, a disaster. Less than two weeks ago, I said the 2012 …
by: Steve Watkins In: latest news, political blog conservative, quotes, writing
ON TERMINATION POLICY: "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me." - using an unfortunate choice of words while advocating for consumer …
by: Steve Watkins In: humor, latest news, Politics, writing
This just in: Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan got off to a great start three weeks ago when he lied about his marathon finishing time, but Ryan, in the …
by: Steve Watkins In: journal, news, Politics, writing
My personal struggle with the issue between separation of church and state dates to a real experience in 1998. I was campaign press secretary for Democratic …
by: Steve Watkins In: Entertainment, humor, journal, writing
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLgwUmuK82c] I like to think I'm a caring, sometimes decent and patient man, but I'm SO OVER the following …
by: Steve Watkins In: news, Politics, writing
First, a few disclaimers: 1. If you want to label me, I'm a 46-year-old-white-Christian-southern-moderate Democrat who's never voted for a Republican. However, …